Sunday, August 10, 2008

Home from surgery

Tyka's dad and I were so happy to see Tyka after he stayed at the orthopaedist's the night after his surgery. We made the two hour trip home without incident - Tyka slept most of the way. We tried the ramp we had bought to get him out of the car, but it wouldn't fit in the doorway. It took awhile to figure out how to get him out, so dad ended up picking him up and using a beach towel to support his back leg as he went up the steps to the house. He stayed on his bed most of the day. Our first trip outside was scary. Dad rigged up a rope / towel support. It's difficult to remember to pull up on his rear end but not on his leash. We almost choked him at first. The night was long - Tyka slept at first but then would get up to shift positions and softly moan during the night. We were scared he would hurt himself, so we couldn't sleep. We took turns rubbing him and sitting with him trying to ease him to sleep. He doesn't like his medicine and he is very good at spitting it out even when we hide it in his food. We are starting a bad habit that I hope won't last - giving him people food with the pills hidden inside. He likes shrimp it seems. Dad and I have been tired today (from last night) but are relieved that he has been able to go outside and "do his business." His leg is really red and mean looking. Put a cool pack on it to help with the swelling, but he wouldn't let it stay on too long. I did not realize how stubborn Tyka can be! Dad tried to call the vet, but noone answered the on-call number. (In their defense, we were put on hold and dad didn't want to hold.) We have decided that this seems harder on us than it does on the dog. He wags his tail when he gets to go out and we have to keep him from running all over the yard.

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